The 8 types of MUNers you’ll meet at every conference
The one everybody knows
If this was an American high school, this MUNer would be prom King or Queen. You will see them exchanging greetings with literally everyone at the conference, and you will wonder how on earth they know so many people. Their secret? They go to every conference in a 5000 km radius. How they manage to study a degree/do a masters/hold down a job in the meantime remains a bigger mystery.
Favourite sentence: “Great to see you again!”
The MUNosaur
This is a very common specimen, as you can usually find two or three within the Secretariat. Creaky old bones, an “I’m too old for this shit” attitude, but ready to go all out in the socials every night. Don’t be fooled, these people can outparty you! They’ve been claiming they’re retiring for a year now, so take their favourite sentence with a grain of salt: “This is my last conference.”
The Encyclopaedia
The number of facts and figures these people retain in their minds is nothing short of astounding. Looking for specific treaty, convention, or resolution? They have the answer! Do make sure to enlist their help when writing preambulatory clauses if you want your working paper to start off on the right foot.
Favourite sentence: “According to article 36 under chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations…”
The quiet one
Subdued and shy, their presence in the committee might be easy to overlook. Even the most seasoned MUNers were beginners once, so be kind to them and encourage them to say something, even if it’s just a short statement.
Favourite sentence: “…”
The blah blah blah
The opposite of the last one, this MUNer cannot shut up. The trouble is, once their time is up and they sit back down, you’ll have no idea of what they’ve just said. It’s like the Lorem Ipsum of conference speeches.
Favourite sentence: “Thank you, Honourable Chairs, fellow delegates, for giving us the chance to speak on this very pertinent and relevant topic, which is so important in the current political landscape, and we do hope we can have a fruitful debate and reach a common solution together.”
The high-functioning alcoholic
Given the amount of alcohol they ingested last night, they should probably be lying in a hospital bed somewhere, or at least hugging the hostel’s toilet, but you’ll find them kicking ass in the debates. Don’t try to imitate them, you can’t handle their crazy pace. The only thing we know for sure is that they’ll be needing a liver transplant sometime in their 50s.
Favourite sentence: “Wanna do shots?”
The next Ban Ki-moon
This breed of MUNers is found in every committee, and they have so many awards in their possession by now, it’s almost obscene. With the right balance of charm and persuasion they can get even the staunchest of enemies to sit down at the negotiating table and agree to something. Be very careful with them, as they may also employ their skills to get you to buy them drinks.
Favourite sentence: “Let’s meet halfway…”