The Russian Federation strongly condemns the inaction of the Security Council over the South Sudan-UN corruption scandal. The incriminating video, which has been confirmed as genuine by our intelligence service, shows a clear bribe involving the UN Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General, an officer of the British Armed Forces and the UN Ambassador of Kuwait to the Security Council. The bribe was made by the United Kingdom to cover up the fact that they have been repeatedly breaking the arms embargo in South Sudan. Not only that, but they were dealing with mustard gas, whose production and stockpiling is prohibited under the Chemical Weapons Convention and whose only purpose is chemical warfare.
After dealing with unfounded accusations from the United Kingdom about the Salisbury poisoning, the Russian Federation now realises their tremendous hypocrisy. The United Kingdom’s representative of course denies its involvement and tries to steer away the debate, while opposing any measures that could be taken against those heinous actions and their perpetrators. The United Kingdom has threatened the use of vet to prevent any justice prevailing in this situation.
We call for the suspension of the UK membership to the UN until the situation has been clarified by an independent investigation and for its revocation when our allegations indeed prove true. The Kuwaiti representative seems to have been under coercion to participate in this shady deal.
We ask the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations to step down from their role and function until these grave accusations have been appropriately dealt with.
We put forward Mr. Vladimir Voronkov as a candidate for the position of interim Secretary General of the UN. Mr. Voronkov is the current Under Secretary General of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Office. Before that, he served with the OSCE and the IAEA and led several delegations to the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.