Future of NATO, Iran and diplomacy, all under one roof for the first day of Salient 2019
As scheduled, Salient 2019 was today successfully opened with the panel discussion on the topic "The Future of NATO: Between integration and enlargement". The panelists Guatam Rana, Vladimir Prebilič, and Uroš Lampret genuinely and in a very specific way grasped the entire topic, putting a special accent also on the contemporary work, issues and potential threats NATO and its member states are dealing with everyday. Slovenia's position towards the Alliance, the way its citizens perceive it, the impact it has on country's foremost military and economic stability and prosperity were some of the introductory topics on which the panelists exchanged to some extent diverse but generally consensual views. Moreover, and in terms of the enlargement process, it was discussed about North Macedonia's current accession process and its various prospectives it may bring with the other countries from the Western Balkans that are firmly aspiring to strengthen the cores of both the EU and NATO for they provide a light in the tunnel being well aware of the more than ever evident presence of political and economic instability internally. However, and in spite of all the forward-looking agenda that implies an enlarged and intensified joint
cooperation among all member states, all panelists categorically agreed whilst addressing NATO's day-to- day animosity with Russia within the regions it operates.
The panel discussion was wrapped up with a Q&A session with questions raised primarily by Salient's delegates who in the following 3 days will have the opportunity to deliberate on those issues within the UNSC and NATO committees.
The second panel of the day focused on the latest developments in regard to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or the so called »Iran deal«. Ms. Meliha Muherina, Project Manager at the Centre for European Perspective (CEP), moderated this panel and the panelists were the Former Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the Islamic Republic of Iran Mr. Jožef Kunič and the Director of CEP Ms. Katja Geršak. The discussion began with a general overview of the historical, geostrategic and political background of the relations between Iran and the U.S. The panelists gave us an excellent description of Iran as a state that is very influential and important in the international relations, mainly because of its oil reserves, natural gas and geostrategic position. In regard to the U.S. – Iran relations, Mr. Kunič identified three main points: the Iran's regime change in the 50's, the U.S. role in the conflict between Iran and Iraq as well as the problem of nuclear weapons. Ms. Geršak emphasized the importance of U.S. internal politics and the stance of different officials within the U.S. government towards the Iran deal. Furthermore, the panelists touched upon the role of Europe, China and Russia and the possible positions that these influential players can take when it comes to the question of nuclear proliferation. Members of the audience raised some very important questions such as the possibility of regime change in Iran, the response of the European Union and the relevance of Saudi Arabia in the region. By the end of the discussion there were still a lot of dilemmas that remained unresolved. However, we left the conference room with new insights in the issue of the Iran deal, eager to do further research and discuss this topic in the following sessions of this conference.
The third panel on the topic of Traditions and trends: Diplomatic styles in Transatlantic relations was moderated by Mr Peter Grk, Secretary - General of the Bled Strategic Forum,the panelists were H.E. Ms Florence Ferrari, Ambassador of the French Republic and H.E. Mr Paolo Trichilo, Ambassador of Italian Republic. It was the most interactive one and has started with discussion on new trends and changes in diplomacy. The panelists quoted Fletcher at the very beginning: “We are living in the world of the naked diplomat”, mentioning that styles of diplomacy are changing due to new instruments of communication - especially social media and their usage. Regarding the information and ways of negotiations, all the panelists agreed that nowadays there is a global and digital diplomacy which is a tool for different diplomatic missions. This is a challenge for diplomats because they have to adapt to modern elements of diplomacy, mainly because it became a part of strategy of influence. It is a fact that public diplomacy has been present since always, but in the light of new modern understanding and changes we must not forget the essence of diplomacy – negotiations. The ambassadors mentioned that the negotiations among them have also changed; when they meet their colleagues, they do not take their visit cards anymore but rather ask for their phone number or social media account. Informal ways to get and give information come from the times of Machiavelli; there is a diplomatic structure of communications and negotiations. Still, it must be carefully distinguished what should be public and what not. This is what makes a great diplomat; it is the beauty and the danger of diplomacy! Ambassadors of France and Italy pointed out that there are guidelines for diplomatic usage of social media. Still, the usage for diplomatic and political purposes should be distinguished! Political leaders use social media for different kinds of propaganda. Diplomats then have the obligation to “translate it” and explain what was really meant and do their statements have a real influence on state affairs. One of the questions from the audience was related to the presence of women in diplomacy. The panelists agreed that their presence has increased and that trend is going to continue in the future.