NATO faces the #blyat crisis
The second day of sessions in the NATO Council began very enthusiastically, delegates immediately started talking about a possible working paper. The presence of the Estonian delegation at the session encouraged the other delegates to ask Estonia’s representative about the crisis situation from the previous day when they were not present. After a while, the delegates opened the question of the existence of the NATO-Russia Council and they expressed divided opinions. The UK delegation strongly opposed the work of NATO-Russia Council, criticizing the founding treaty, claiming it is outdated and irrelevant for the current international security environment. Furthermore, the Council discussed the importance of cybersecurity and cyber warfare. The highlight of the day was the post by Gopnik Dmitry and other supporters of the #blyat movement who are trying to raise awareness about their position as minorities in the Baltic states. The Russian President Putin has also expressed his support of the movement via Twitter. This made the Council think about a possible invitation of the Russian delegation for a Q&A session in order for Russia to elaborate on their official stance regarding this issue. In the meantime, the delegates continued working on a possible document and by the end of the day, they made significant progress on that matter.