The life of Ula Wallström has become the playball of a political game about the future of Libya. The terrorist group that abducted her...
Abduction, Emergency and No Solution
A young woman in tears on a blurry video, crying and asking the International community for help, a list of demands and a deadline. These...
Cyrenaica-based militia behind Ula's abduction
New developments have revealed more information regarding the kidnapping of Ula W., a Swedish humanitarian aid worker (and daughter of...
Abductions in Libya - A rising epidemic?
In light of recent high profile kidnaping, that got the attention of the world media, and especially the causal media, as #SaveUla is...
BREAKING: List of demands by Ula's captors uncovered
"“We have your attention now, so this is what we want to be heard: Libya was once a great and prosperous country, respected and well...
The humanitarian crisis in Libya
Guest post by Ula W. for the News Salient Agency. Ula W. is a humanitarian volunteer from Sweden currently working with LibAid in Libya....