The life of Ula Wallström has become the playball of a political game about the future of Libya. The terrorist group that abducted her...
Evaluating likelihoods for the future of Libya - Scenarios of victory
In this article, we shall assess the likelihood of a lasting victory by the GNC, GNA, and COR—in other words, the ability of each...
General Haftar speaks to his people
Libya’s unsettling atmosphere has gained a new meaning after a lengthy period of silence from the countries’ leading factions. In an...
Russian private security firm admits it had armed men in East Libya
A force of several dozen armed private security contractors from Russia continues to opeare in a part of Libya that is under the control...
Haftar strengthens his grip on Benghazi
Though the guns have fallen silent in Benghazi, the killing continues. Three Libyan National Army soldiers died in mine and boobytrap...