Mocks, crises and the first day of the UN Security Council session
On the April 9th, 2018, an introductory session of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) was held in Ljubljana, starting at 2:15,...
The life of Ula Wallström has become the playball of a political game about the future of Libya. The terrorist group that abducted her...
EU-FAC Denmark-Germany joint press statement
The sessions of the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union took place in Ljubljana from 10th to 13th July 2017. The sessions were...
Abduction, Emergency and No Solution
A young woman in tears on a blurry video, crying and asking the International community for help, a list of demands and a deadline. These...
Cyrenaica-based militia behind Ula's abduction
New developments have revealed more information regarding the kidnapping of Ula W., a Swedish humanitarian aid worker (and daughter of...
BREAKING: List of demands by Ula's captors uncovered
"“We have your attention now, so this is what we want to be heard: Libya was once a great and prosperous country, respected and well...