The life of Ula Wallström has become the playball of a political game about the future of Libya. The terrorist group that abducted her...
EU-FAC Denmark-Germany joint press statement
The sessions of the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union took place in Ljubljana from 10th to 13th July 2017. The sessions were...
Sanitary environment for sanity
One of the most serious problematics that accompanies famine and poverty and is a leading cause of disease is lack of sanitation. This...
The profit of conflict
The presence of mercenaries and private security contractors in warzones is nothing new, only now they are being paid for in resources....
Abduction, Emergency and No Solution
A young woman in tears on a blurry video, crying and asking the International community for help, a list of demands and a deadline. These...
Will no one think of the children?
The topic of child soldiers is a provocative and highly discussed one, and while it's pretty difficult to grasp it without becoming...
Cyber Mercenaries
When you are in a position of power and influence, when you are calling the shots, you start to expect things to stay the same. You know,...
WHO IS LIBYA? – The conundrum of competing governments
There seems to be a rift between the members of the Security Council on whom to involve in the process of state-building in Libya. There...
Evaluating likelihoods for the future of Libya - Scenarios of victory
In this article, we shall assess the likelihood of a lasting victory by the GNC, GNA, and COR—in other words, the ability of each...
The governments cannot control the PSCs?!
The conflict in Libya is has escalated to a new degree. Recent source reports have revealed that Italy and France have consistently to...